Ramadan Announcement

Asalamualiakum Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Ramadan 1443 A.H. is just around the corner!
Please note the following important information below: 

Taipei Grand Mosque will do moon sighting for Ramadan on the evening 01 April 2022, and report the results after 20:30 that evening.

Announcement for the first day of Ramadan will be made on the TGM’s FB page and LINE's Group. You may also confirm by calling TGM at(02) 2321-9445 after 20:30, insha’Allah.

Regarding the Iftar for this Ramadan, only dates, water, and packed meals will be offered after the Maghrib Prayer. The TGM management does not permit eating on site at this time due to the ongoing COVID situation. 

As for Zakat-ul-Fitr, it is NT $200 per person. To pay your Zakat-ul-Fitr, place the money in the designated box at TGM. We encourage you to pay early to help us facilitate the distribution to those eligible in a timely manner. 

※Special Remarks※

To donate packed Iftar meals, please contact  Br. Muhammad Mujahid directly at 0932 153 014. Thank you!

To make a general donation to the Taipei Grand Mosque or to support feeding fasting Muslims during this holy month, please make your donations to the following official bank accounts:

1. Post Office Account:郵政劃撥:19940571 財團法人台北清真寺基金會
2. Chang Hua Commercial Bank Account:(009)  5130-01-00071-1-00

The Beneficiary for both accounts is【Taipei Grand Mosque Foundation】

To confirm your donation, you may contact Sister Aisha Lee at TGM Adm. Office at(02)2321-9445 ext. 21. 

We have prepared official Taipei Grand Mosque ceramic mugs with lid as a small token of appreciation to those who make a donation exceeding NT $2000.

Wishing you and your families a blessed month of Ramadan. May Allah (swt) accept all our good deeds. Ameen!


Taipei Grand Mosque 
23 March 2022